6 Best leg Workout Exercises for Muscular Legs | Hustling Muscle Fitness

6 Best leg Workout Exercises for Muscular 

Legs | Hustling Muscle Fitness

Welcome back once again. Today we will be doing  6 Best leg Workout Exercises for Muscular Legs in which we will cover quads, hamstrings, and calves. So, without wasting any time, Let us begin.

 The first exercise which I am going to perform is 

Leg extension.

Many people who train their legs put this exercise at the very last. I am including it in as the first because before performing any compound movement with the help of this isolation movement, I want to increase the blood flow, oxygen supply, and warm up my quads.

It is a fairly easy exercise. Similar machines are there in all the gyms. But you need to adjust two things: Where you place your feet and where you place your back. The backrest should not be very far, so I will adjust it like this and my knee will be placed on the pad firmly.

After this, you will hold the side handles tightly. Then lift your leg, as much as possible. Stay there for a second, release it slowly, and then lift it up again. The one mistake people usually make is that they don’t lift their legs completely. I say you need to lift if completely so that your muscle can contract properly.
Release it slowly and breathe out whenever you lift up. It is something which I always tell you. In this exercise, the number of repetitions will be 10-12 and the number of sets will be three.

The second exercise which we are going to perform is  Leg press.

6 Best leg Workout Exercises for Muscular     Legs | Hustling Muscle Fitness

It is a very useful exercise for the development of my outer quads. So if you want to develop your outer quads, definitely, perform this exercise. Before lying down do remember to check that the pad you are lying down on is properly locked in place.

After that, there are a few simple steps that you need to follow out of which the main step is the placement of your feet. Many people place their feet like this in which their toes are very outward-facing. I would suggest that it is not necessary to keep your toes too much outwards. The second thing is that your lower back should always be touching the pad.

Slowly bring it down, push the weight using your heels, and breathe out. Whenever you push up, squeeze your quads. Your lower back should not move and stay fixed when you bring the weight down. The number of seats will be 3-4 and the number of repetitions will be 6-8.

 The third exercise which I am going to perform is 

the Mother of all exercisesSquats.

6 Best leg Workout Exercises for Muscular     Legs | Hustling Muscle Fitness

This exercise is extremely useful for the development of your legs. Not just legs but helps in improving your lung capacity and overall strength. So don’t miss out on this exercise in your workout schedule. The simple steps you need to follow are: Hold the bar from the center on your neck. Move away from the rack. Keep your feet at shoulder-width apart. Toes facing out. Lower back tight and chest lifted up.

Then go down slowly like this and breathe out. Just keep in check that whenever you go down, your upper back should not bend forward too much and you cannot sit down too low. Now we will do some correct repetitions. Slowly go down backward and push up using your heels. Use your quads. The number of reps will be 6-8 and the number of sets will be 3.

The fourth exercise which I am going to perform 

here is Lunges

6 Best leg Workout Exercises for Muscular     Legs | Hustling Muscle Fitness

And my target muscle here will be hamstring. To perform this exercise I need to push using the toe of my foot behind and using the heel of my foot in front. Slowly go down, stay there for a second and just lift up. Breathe out whenever you lift and focus on your hamstring muscle. The number of repetitions will be 10 with each leg and the number of sets will be 3.

The fifth exercise which we are going to perform is 

very useful for our Hamstring muscle.

You all perform this exercise in your respective gyms. But one thing you need to keep in mind whenever you perform this exercise is that whenever you lie down on the pad your knees should always be a bit out of the pad. Now whenever you lift, hold it here, squeeze your hamstring and release it slowly. Lift it up again, squeeze your hamstring and breathe out. The number of reps will be 12 and the number of sets will be 3.

The sixth exercise which I am going to perform 

here is Standing calf raises

6 Best leg Workout Exercises for Muscular     Legs | Hustling Muscle Fitness

For which I am using a smith machine and to perform the exercise, I am using a stepper so that I can bring my heel down completely and my muscle can contract and stretch completely. You just need to keep one thing in mind that you need to take your heels down completely and then lift up with your toes completely so that you can squeeze the muscle properly.

Stay here for a second and then release it slowly. Breathe out when you lift your heel up. To develop your calf muscle properly, the number of repetitions should be more. Do 3 sets of 20-25 repetitions.

So, these were 6 Best leg Workout Exercises for 

Muscular Legs

Also, this was the last day of our muscle building workout series. Workout schedules for the whole week have been shared with you all. In this schedule, you need to keep the rest too because recovery is very important. If you do proper recovery only then you will actually be able to gain muscle and along with this, you need to keep your nutrition on point as well. We will be back with many more articles for you all. Till then, do let us know if you enjoyed it. Do follow our blog.

Also Please Check Out Our Home Workout Series:

·                     Chest home workout 
·                     Back home workout 
·                     Shoulder home workout 
·                     Bicep home workout 
·                     Tricep home workout 
·                     Leg  home workout 
·                     Full-body  home workout
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