5 Triceps Workout Exercises To Build Muscle |Hustling muscle fitness

5 Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build 

Muscle |Hustling muscle fitness

5 Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build     Muscle |Hustling muscle fitness

Welcome back once again. Today  I am sharing with you all is going to be about the

Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build Muscle. As you all had requested me to write 

an article on this muscle too. This is very important too because I have noticed in 

many gyms that people focus a lot on their biceps and usually, miss out on the triceps 

which is not a good habit. The amount of time you spend training your triceps should 

be more than the time you spend training your biceps because triceps is a bigger 

a muscle in comparison with the biceps.

So, lets start our best 5 Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build Muscle

The first exercise is called diamond push-ups or close grip push-ups.

5 Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build     Muscle |Hustling muscle fitness

My purpose of including this exercise here is warm up. I want you all to warm up the working muscle i.e. triceps before you move to any weighted exercise.

How to perform : 

Now lets’ see how to perform this exercise correctly. The first thing you need to keep in mind is that just like in a normal push-up, you have to hold your body parallel to the ground on your toes and hands.

Second, you need to bring your arms closer and touch the thumbs and fingers of both hands. Move your body a little ahead. While performing diamond push-ups you need to check that your face in goes ahead of your hands. Now slowly go down and up and whenever you go down, breathe out. Try to achieve maximum activation of triceps muscle while performing this exercise. This will reduce your chances of injury, as well as the activation of shoulder and chest muscles, and will aid in better performance of working muscle. Try to do two sets of 15 repetitions of this exercise.

After the warmup, the next exercise which we are going

to perform is a different version of the Close-Grip Bench press.

For this, I am using a smith machine and my purpose in using this machine is to restrict the movement a bit. How? I am using a flat bench here and I have hung the bar on two handles. Now when I perform this exercise I will not be able to bring my hands down completely.

How to perform : 

 While performing a normal close grip bench press, we bring the bar down completely, push it up completely and this results in activation of shoulder and chest muscles which we do not want because the working muscle is triceps and I would want you to target it the most rather than chest and shoulders. First, you need to lie down on the bench. Now a lot of you will ask since we are doing the close grip bench press, what should be the distance between our hands? As soon as you hold the bar the distance between your hands should be eight inches. Lift it slowly. Bring it down slowly and try to push the bar using your triceps muscle. Whenever the bar is moving up against gravity, you have to breathe out. Try to do three sets of 12 repetitions each.

The next exercise which we are going to perform is going to be a combination of two exercises into a superset.

 The first exercise will be Bent-Over Triceps Extension and the 

second exercise will be Triceps Pushdown. I will use a rope 

in both these exercises.

5 Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build     Muscle |Hustling muscle fitness

To perform bent-over triceps extension, first, you need to hold the rope firmly. In a lot of gyms, people perform this exercise after moving far away from the rack. This limits your range of motion. So before you start the exercise, I would want you to support your back with the rack. Even after this people usually bend down a lot due to excessive loaded weight. This causes a curve in your back due to which you will not be able to take the load on your triceps.
So you should stay up and keep your back arched. Hold your elbows up and now extend the cable fully. Extend. Triceps muscle gets better activation by extending completely but make sure while extending you need to pull the rope apart to the maximum distance possible.

How to perform : 

 Now we will perform triceps pushdown with rope. Read carefully how to perform this exercise correctly. Before starting, you need to soften your knees and if you want to bend a bit forward, you will bend from your pelvic bone. Extend it fully. When you perform this exercise try to keep your elbows inward, not too much but enough to give you better control of the weight. Also, how much should the hand move? You have to bring your hand up to the point where your arm forms a 90-degree angle. A lot of people take their hands too far up which is not the correct movement. You need to extend the rope down from 90 degrees only. Try to squeeze your triceps muscle to the maximum. Weight against gravity means you breathe out. Now I will show you how to perform these exercises in a superset. Try 10 repetitions and immediately after that, try 10 repetitions. The total number of sets is three.

The next exercise we a going to perform is Lying Triceps Extension.

For this, I am using an EZ bar here but I have done some slight modifications to the exercise. You might be performing already so that you can overcome elbow pain which a lot of people complain about while performing this exercise. Lie down. First I will show you what your trainer might be telling you or you might be doing in your gyms.

How to perform : 

For lying triceps extension, you usually take the bar down till your forehead and then straighten your hand. Again bring it down then straighten is back again. The modification I have done is that instead of bringing the bar down to your forehead you will take it a little more behind even more down. But whenever you bring the bar up you have to straighten your elbows. And then again whenever you lift the bar you need to breathe out. The second thing your trainer will always tell you to keep your elbows inwards which is absolutely incorrect and it increases your chances of injury. Also, you will not be able to take the load on the working muscle. Leave your arms free and perform this exercise is a better way. Target and squeeze your muscle as much as you can. Perform three sets of this exercise with 10 repetitions each.

The next exercise which we will perform is Triceps 


5 Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build     Muscle |Hustling muscle fitness
Many people use dumbbells for this exercise. But I am using a cable here because I am able to feel greater muscle contraction with this.

How to perform :

First, I have adjusted the pulley at a certain height which is slightly above the knee. Second, I have to bend my back but for that. Knees need to be softened. You cannot bend too much and keep your back straight instead of forming a curve. Third, you need to fix your elbows and cannot move them up and down while performing this exercise. After fixing, extend completely and breathe out. Squeeze the muscle completely and try to do 20 repetitions with each hand for two sets.

As this exercise is a finisher of 5 Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build 
Muscle, try to perform it with moderate weight so that you are able to feel it on the muscle properly.

 This was our article for 5 Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build Muscle and I hope you all like it. These 5 Triceps Workout Exercises  To Build Muscle will help you with your triceps development. I will keep sharing such informational articles with you all. 

Also Please Check Out Our Home Workout Series:

·                     Chest home workout 
·                     Back home workout 
·                     Shoulder home workout 
·                     Bicep home workout 
·                     Tricep home workout 
·                     Leg  home workout 
·                     Full-body  home workout

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