Best shoulder workout at home without gym| At home exercises

Best shoulder workout at home, without gym|shoulder exercises you can do at home, without any equipment.

Best shoulder workout, without gym

Best shoulder workout, without gym

Today, I wanna teach you and to show you how to build a nice shoulder at home without gym equipment.

So, the shoulder consists of three main parts:

  • The front shoulder, the front delt.
  • The lateral, the side delt.
  • And the rear delt.

 So, in order to get a complete, nice shoulder, we have to train three heads of them.

The first head will be a trigger, will be stimulated from anything related to pushing, alright, and mainly vertical pushing:

so the exercise that you can do is, get a chair. So the name for this exercise is a pike push up,  So your feet on the chair. Your grip, shoulder-width apart, or go a little bit wider.

 And right here,. I will recommend you to push your hip high up, and this is where you form a nice degree, and lowering yourself down and push. 

Now, I know this is a little bit extreme and for beginners, if you want to try, you can do this on your knees( First thing first, you must learn how to do a proper push-up)

The feet, you wanna come close and push your hip high up and lowering your body down. Press. This exercise also trains the upper chest. Take it as a bonus. Right, so how many repetitions you should do. Aim about 10 to 15 repetitions, do about four working sets.<!-

And another exercise that trains your front shoulder and that is the handstand push up:

Best shoulder workout  at home without gym

Handstand push up is only for advanced trainer or expert.

 It is very hard to do even for me, I'm still struggling. Depending on your body weight, the heavier you are, the harder it gets.  Find a flat wall. 

And make sure before you do your handstand push up, you have to see, is anything on top here, alright? Because you may hit them. 

To set this up, you may need to place your hand here and a good start is, use your head, contact the wall, to just give you the sense that, you know, the wall is right here. So, therefore, you can put yourself upside down.

 And right now, you have to kick up. This is really extreme, right. Up. This and then a push-up. Right, 

just a few reps. I felt the blood rush already. Right, this is really extreme. And give it a try only if you are very strong. If not, a pike push up will work.

Best shoulder workout  at home without gym
Alternative for handstand push-up

Moving on next now is the side shoulders:

Best shoulder workout  at home without gym

Side shoulder is what gives you the nice cap, from the side and from the back. So anything related with raises, especially side raises, will train the *side* delt. 

So what you can use is actually back to the same old gallon bottle. Right, depending on your fitness level. If you're strong, you can get the full gallon water. 

If it's too heavy for you, maybe you just go half. So from here, you need to do a lateral raise.  So once you're done, move on to the opposite. Or you can get two gallons of bottled water. So to get this exercise right, 

I see a lot of people actually do like arms fully straight. Okay?

 Well, it's not necessary to keep your arms straight. It will give a lot of pressure to your shoulder. 

You can bend a little bit. Keep your elbow bent a little bit, keep your forearms tight and raise it up.  This is where you train a side shoulder. 

And it is not necessary to go all the way up. You see, more doesn't mean better. Right,  Anything higher, perhaps you're training your traps.

If you can't get one bottle of water, what you can use is a towel. And to do this is very easy, right. All you do is giving pressure. Right,

 let's say you want to train your right, your left you can pull and then raise using the right arm.

Best shoulder workout  at home without gym
#random shoulder muscle showing picture

 This how-to stimulate the side delt. Right, very easy. And the opposite, let's say you want to train the left. Pull from the right. There. 

So last of all, backhead is very simple. It's just bending over. Anything bending over and raise with the same gallon of the bottle. 

A dumbbell or even a towel will work the rear delt. It's because of the degree, right. Like this, train the side. Like this, you train the back.

 Alright, so this can be done with doing a hip hinge, and once again, giving pressure and raise. Right, the other side. Pressure.

 The same thing, don't overdo it, alright? Same goes to this, it's not necessary to really go all the way up, right. If not, you'll hit your back muscles instead. Right,

 so repetitions for side delt and rear delt, I would like to go a little bit higher reps. 15 repetitions to 20repetitions, for one set. So do about four working sets. So there you have it,

Best shoulder workout  at home without gym
#random guy showing shoulder muscle

"I hope you learnt something today, and once again, doing this exercise at home will help you to gain a few muscles at first, but over time, if you want to bring out your physique to a next level, you have to use weights, because that really challenge you in terms of muscle overloading, alright? It's depending on your goal. I believe not everybody wants to get a big physique, right? Whatever works  for you. "

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